2010年7月4日 星期日


s.v.o I love you.
s.v.sc You are beautiful. sc.用來補充主詞
受詞(Object): 接受動作。 O. --> N., N. 的代用語 人稱代名詞
modifying(修飾) the subject(主詞)
subject complement (SC)
You are beautiful. --> s + v + sc
I love you. --> s + V + o.

SVE 句子的三大要素 (subject, verb, expression)
[2010/6/24 下午 10:29:17] Phex: expression is something that completes the sentence, to express what this sentense wanted to tell
Phex: 使句子完整
bestie: expression= ex-press-ion= out(=finished) + speak + -ion(n.)
bestie: speak out(= finished)
bestie: You are... bestie: I love... expression incomplete 意思表達不完整
cameras(S) + ARE (Vi) + easy(SC) --> S. + Vi + SC

clapping 北歐文字
applause 南歐文字

不及物動詞 intransit verb in- = not
及物動詞 transit verb 碰到東西
intransitive/intrasit trasit/transitive
[2010/6/24 下午 10:49:22] Christie: 主詞補語 <--補充說明主詞 post-modifying subject
[2010/6/24 下午 10:49:33] bestie: 補語以形容詞或形容詞相等語為原則。
[2010/6/24 下午 10:52:11] bestie: 2.受詞、主詞以___名詞或名詞代用語(substitutes)____為原則
Second to Christie. 副議 Christie
sub(under, minus, replace) + -stit-(stand, 存在) + -ute(N.) + -es(pl.)
cameras + are + easy
modifier 修飾詞 adv., adj. adjective adverb
bestie: 2 adv. + 1 adj. + 1 adjectivial
verbal動狀詞有動詞的樣子, 樣子像動詞不當動詞用

Assignment: 找出核心字,是用什麼句型

