主語: 以主詞(subject)為核心字(nucleus)的片語(phrase)
核心字永遠是上線, 片語是下線
動語: 以動詞為核心字的片語
副詞的位置: 助後本前, 句首, 句尾
副詞修飾: 動詞, 形容詞, 副詞, 全句(clause)
單字修飾語 single-word modifier (前位修飾語)
多字修飾語 multi-word modifier (字群修飾語/後位修飾語)
介片 = 介系詞 + 受詞 (propositional phrase) , 可以用來當形容詞或副詞
片介 = 片語當介系詞用 (phrasal proposition)
位於句首副詞後的逗號( comma/pause),可有可無
Also photographers needed to carry glass plates and chemicals with them in addition to their cameras.
主語: photographers 核心字: photographers
動語: needed to carry,核心字:carry[AmE](needed to 半助動詞, carry本動詞principal verb)
受詞片語: glass plates and chemicals 核心字: glass plates [AmE], chemicals
with them 介片當副詞修飾carry
in addition to 片介, in addition to their cameras是介片當副詞修飾with them
http://bestie.org/2010/index3_s.asp 線上英文寫作班